Thanksgiving day

Well it’s moving on to the Thanksgiving day next week and I have been adjusting to living with Alpha-gal. I have been getting SAAT needles, just about every two months. So far I have cleared a lot but not Dairy /Cheese yet that is the one thing I would really like to have.

I have been ordering Emu from It is so nice when your wanting the meat texture you miss from steak or Duck. I am expecting a box to arrive today. I have made a great soup using ground Emu. Brown the ground Emu like you did for ground beef and then cut up a bunch of vegetables. Use chicken broth and tomato basil soup, season to taste ( I actually put in a little cayenne, garlic, salt, pepper, Basil, and Adobe).

We purchased a 16 lbs turkey for thanksgiving and invited a few people to join us. Then on Thanksgiving morning I woke up with a temperature of 99 -100.2 and a cough and all. So I decide to take a covid test and it was negative so I let my husband know I needed to go to the ER. So as soon as the Turkey was finished we turned off the stove and went to the ER. The test was run and I had Influenza A, I let everyone know that then needed not come over. So I had to cancel Thanksgiving. Why didn’t I get a flu shot this year? When I saw my doctor, I asked if the flu shot was alpha-gal safe and she said she would have to check. She didn’t reply to me and I got the flu. They prescribe me tamiflu and pearl cough pills. Which I believe my have been unsafe for alpha gal but I took them anyway. Most my reaction to mammal product is GI issues so I was willing to chance it.